Monday, May 11, 2015

Asafoetida (Hing) - Uses and Health Benefits [Slideshare]

Asafoetida also popularly known as "Hing" in Hindi and "Perungayam" in Tamil is latex gum obtained from a perennial plant which is usually collected in earthen pots and dried. It is easily available in all Indian markets and can be found in almost every household as it is also used in many dishes in small amount. Apart from being an important spice, asafoetida is an important medicine, too. It is used to cure various problems such as:

  1. For Stomach Disorders - By adding a small pinch of asafoetida in all dishes; be it dal or pulses, can prevent the gas problems and helps in quick digestion.
  2. For Stings - Asafoetida is very beneficial in treating stings/bites of honey bees, wasps, etc. The paste of asafoetida should be applied as a poultice on the affected area and left to dry.
  3. For Ear Ache - Asafoetida is very effective in treating ear ache/pain. By applying warm coconut oil with asafoetida powder mixed in small amount, you can get ride of pain in just a while and this has been practiced for years.
  4. For Menstrual Pain - Asafoetida contains special chemicals which can thin the blood thus making the blood flow smooth. Used for ages, this is a boon for women who suffer from pain during their cycles.
  5. For Young Babies/Infants - For infants /young babies, it is not advisable to give asafoetida internally. Instead, for treating problems like gas of young babies, paste made out of asafoetida and water is applied on the stomatch.
  6. For Tooth Ache - Asafoetida is a good medicine for treating tooth aches. To make a poultice for tooth aches, make a paste of asafoetida and lemon juice in a mortar and pestle and apply with the help of a ear bud on the affected tooth.
  7. For Pimples - Asafoetida can also be used effectively for curing pimple problem. A pinch of asafoetida powder should be mixed with water and applied over the acne spots to see benefits.
  8. For Skin Blemishes - Simple face mask made with asafoetida powder and yogurt will greatly reduce the blemishes and age spots in the skin. Try to do it regularly at least weekly once for best results.
  9. For Cough - Asafoetida can also be used to treat cough. Paste made with powdered asafoetida in water applied on the chest is a good home remedy to relieve from cough.
Here is a slide show presentation on Asafoetida/Hing:

Looking for suppliers of Asafoetida? Send in your inquiry over here.

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